Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Restless Sleep

I didn't sleep well last night....well, I never seem to sleep well but last night was worse than normal. I kept waking up and having weird dreams that I can't remember. I was hot and kicked off my blankets, then I was cold and shivering, and covered up to my chin. This happened over and over.

But one thing happened that was especially strange and I remember it well. I had a dream in which I started hearing a whooshing sound. I use a fan at night for "white noise," and as I was sleeping, I was aware that I was asleep - or maybe I wasn't? I wondered what the whooshing was, and I could hear it very distinctly over the sound of my fan. Then I heard whispering. It sounded like two people, but I couldn't tell. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I looked across my dark room and saw the curtains part and the outline of faces looking into my room. They appeared to be standing outside my window, and continued whispering. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but their tones seemed mocking toward me. Then I thought, "That can't be real because I'm on the second floor of the house, and anyway, my window is not open so no one can part my curtains like that." I continued to watch them, and started to feel fearful. I knew I was dreaming but I was very aware of it. It was like I was awake yet dreaming at the same time. I tried to call out, "Who are you? What do you want?" But I was paralyzed. I couldn't make a sound and could not open my mouth to speak. I tried to open my eyes and I couldn't move. I don't know how long I lay there trying to open my eyes and mouth and couldn't budge, but it seemed like a long time. Finally I managed to slowly open my eyes. Everything was normal. The curtains were closed and I only heard the sound of my fan. I looked at the clock and it was just a few minutes past 3:00 AM. 

I don't know what to make of it all. Usually I forget my dreams by the time morning comes, but this one remains very clear in my mind. 

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